Let nothing dim the light that shines from within.
– Maya Angelou
Over 20 million Americans report having experienced a depressive episode at least once in their lives. This number is believed to be greatly under reported. Depression is not a weakness. Being depressed does not mean that you lack the willpower to change or that you are not strong enough to handle life and its stressors. Depression is a mental health disorder & is not a character flaw.
Depression is a real chemical mental health disorder that can have a major detrimental impact on a person’s life if left untreated. Untreated Depression can lead to serious social, financial, academic, medical & other devastating effects in a person’s life. Depression also takes a major toll on your relationships with loved ones that watch you suffer through it.
Seeking out help for Depression is not a sign of weakness no matter how hopeless you might feel. This might be the first time you are struggling with depression or you may have been familiar with these symptoms for a long time but feel stuck & are unable to do anything about it because what you need to do seems impossible or pointless.
Depression is also sneaky. Sometimes depressed people develope a “depression reality” where they believe that the world is dark, empty & meaningless. They think that others are naive to the reality of how sad the world really is. This “depression reality” makes it very difficult to understand that what you are dealing with is in fact depression.
Have you lost your zest for life?
Have you struggled with any of these symptoms?
- Do you feel hopeless and/or helpless?
- Don’t feel like your usual self?
- Are you finding yourself isolating & avoiding others that care for you?
- Do you feel disconnected & lonely?
- Do you cry for no reason?
- Do you feel empty and/ or numb?
- Has there been a change in sleeping or eating patterns?
- Are you feeling fatigued all the time?
- Do you feel that your energy is zapped?
- Do you find life exhausting?
- Are you having difficulty focusing, concentrating or processing information?
- Do you feel worthless?
- Do you experience inappropriate or excessive guilt?
If you have had any variation of these thoughts and don’t feel like your usual self, chances are you may be suffering from depression.
I want you to know that you are not alone during this dark time in your life & that professional help is available & does work. Many of my clients find relief in realizing that their struggle does not own them and that there are many options available to feel better and once again have hope for their lives.
If you are hoping to finally lighten this load and feel like yourself again, contact me today so we can schedule an appointment. You are not alone! Recovery is possible!